Important Agronomy Tips for planting corn this spring (according to John Deere and University data).
- Meeting the right planting window in corn can impact yield by 4-10 bu/ac
- According to Iowa State University data, a corn seed will absorb 30% of its weight in water, within the first 24 hours in the soil, so making sure the soil temps are at least 50 degrees F before planting corn, is critical to even seedling emergence and to prevent seed rot
- The use of starter fertilizer and/or in-furrow fungicides can also help if the soil temps are lower
- Uniform corn emergence can give you an extra 10-18 bu/ac
- Uniform spacing in corn can impact yield by 2-4 bu/ac
- Corn plants have less of an ability to compensate for gaps or improper seed spacing within the row compared to soybeans
Using John Deere’s Exact Emerge planter technology can help you achieve these very important steps on your operation.
Planting is the first and absolutely the most important step, in growing a corn crop, so we better get it right, especially when the weather doesn’t like to cooperate.
By: Josh Horstman, Precision Ag Specialist/CCA Agronomist