Each year during the crop growing season, producers hit the fields with several goals in mind. One goal that typically lives near the top of producers’ lists is improving spray resolution accuracy.

As the summer of 2016 came to a close, John Deere ExactApply was introduced in an effort to meet these demands and improve overall application efforts. The new system will be available on new 2018 model John Deere 4-Series sprayers.

Doug Felter, John Deere product marketing manager, crop protection and nutrient solutions, said at the time of the release, “The new ExactApply system was developed for producers and ag service providers who seek a higher level of control of product applications, especially improved application efficacy and accuracy in all field shapes and sizes.”

Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits John Deere ExactApply offers users.

Individual Nozzle Control

With ExactApply, operators will have the opportunity to reduce sprayer drift. With individual nozzle control, vary rates can be controlled across the entire length of the boom so skips and overlaps can be minimized. This is an especially helpful tool when spraying crops near restricted border areas, sensitive crops, or waterways.

High Pulse Rate Modulation

On most sprayers, the droplet output size fluctuates as spray speed increases. ExactApply expands the range of application at all speeds to maintain consistent droplet rate and size. This feature will help to ensure drift is reduced and the application quality remains top notch.

Sprayer Turn Compensation

As the sprayer makes turns, it can vary the rates at which nutrients are applied. The ExactApply system varies the rate at which nutrients are applied during these instances to ensure spraying is being done at an appropriate rate and crops are not damaged. For example, at the end of crop rows when the equipment turns, the nozzles at the end of the boom will automatically spray faster than those closer to the sprayer to make up for the speed difference between the two ends.

LED Lighting

Crop growing is a year-round task, and at times, it can call for work during the earliest and latest hours of the day. With this in mind, the ExactApply system includes LED lights on each nozzle so the spray pattern can be seen even after the sun goes down.

For more information about John Deere ExactApply or other spraying equipment and solutions, contact your local C & B.