In this modern farming era, it can be difficult to keep up with all the new technology and agricultural practices, especially when they’re constantly evolving. As overwhelming as it can be, new agricultural technology is also proving to be an important part of the future of the industry. With all these advancements, there is so much we can do to improve our operations; save money and effort; and end up with a healthier, heartier crop when harvest rolls around.

Here at C & B Operations, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the tools they need to succeed out in the field, and that includes education. You already know you can rely on us for top-notch equipment and quality service, but we aren’t stopping there. To make sure you are fully equipped to get the most out of your enterprise, we are hosting local workshops to walk you through all the intricacies of the John Deere Operations Center and other Deere products.

If you work with John Deere agricultural equipment, attending one of our Tech Days can benefit you. We have seen a massive influx of technology in recent years, to the point of just about every single farmer employing some form of precision ag technology on their farms today. This technology comes in many different forms, and it’s important to explore them all as much as possible if you want to get the most out of your crops.

We are offering Tech Days sessions at a number of our C & B Operations locations throughout the month of March. Session topics will include Operations Center Updates, Gen4 Displays, JDLink & Data Management, along with New and Other John Deere Products.

Most of our Tech Days locations will be hosting either two sessions (one in the morning and one in the afternoon) or one longer session. Please check your specific event in your local area for more details.

During these Tech Days, you will be spending time training under our trusted Integrated Solutions teams. Our Integrated Solutions experts are extremely knowledgeable about all things John Deere in the world of technology. They can work with you to show you step by step how to get the most out of your equipment and understand exactly what you’re looking at.

To get the best possible experience out of our Tech Days, we encourage you to bring your laptop or tablet with you to the event. That way you can keep up and make it easy on yourself to apply everything you’ve learned when you get back to the field.

Of course, your partnership with the C & B Operations team doesn’t end with the events do. Our Integrated Solutions team, along with the rest of our product experts and service technicians, are always on hand to help you out and answer your questions. Tech Days just help to give you a good, solid foundation to start from.

If you’re interested in attending one of our Tech Days, take a look at the Events Calendar on our website and find your nearest C & B Operations Tech Days location. We look forward to seeing you there!